My Journey
My Journey
Valerie preached her first sermon almost 30 years ago at the Salvation Army, in Orange Park, Florida. Her commanding officer (pastor), Robert Reckline was going out of town and asked her to bring the Sunday morning message. She was only twenty one at the time, and a bit nervous, but also knew God was stirring something in her.
Valerie spent seven wonderful years with the Salvation Army, then went to New Covenant Ministries of Orange Park, a full-gospel Pentecostal church. Pastors Richard and Veronica Johnson opened her eyes to the Lord in such a profound way. She felt like she was in Seminary under their amazing leadership. After seven years with this awesome church, once again the Lord released her.
In 2000, the Lord would lead Valerie to Calvary Assembly of God, in Orange Park, Florida. This is where she met her spiritual parents, Pastors Lamar and Beverly Jacks. They saw in her what she couldn’t see in herself. She credits this time as a spiritual metamorphosis. The butterfly came out of the cocoon. They knew she was called to preach, and he frequently gave up his pulpit to let her do so. Valerie affectionately refers to Pastor Lamar as her “Pastor Dad.” He ignited a fire in her to want more of the things of God, and less of what this old world has to offer. He changed her life forevermore.
"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,"
Ephesians 4:11-12